The Only Social Media Engagement Tips Your Business Requires

Engaging on social media is a brilliant way to build a rapport for your brand with a multitude of users online. Such a grasp comes in handy with marketing and promptly responding to queries that users may have concerning your brand. Since this is a trend in the modern business world, it is only prudent for you to find a way of embracing it.

A peculiar challenge that many business owners face is the modality by which they can engage positively on the various social media platforms. Social media engagement should be an easy task. How do you go about it?

Share videos

Over 100 million hours of videos are watched on social media on a daily basis. It is safe to say that sharing videos will help you engage your fans and followers. Ideas for such videos include entertainment, culture, shout-out, event, demonstration, and promotional clips. Always keep the videos precise but informative.

Tag influencers

Since you are online to engage with other people, you should try to tag social media influencers in your posts to get more attention. Influencers can drive a good amount of traffic to your account making you gain popularity while engaging various new users on the social networks.

Captivating headers

These will definitely attract more users to like, comment and share your post, thus increasing your interactions online. How to, lists and question headlines have been shown to captivate social network users hence boosting your popularity. Once your post is shared, it gets an audience that is not necessarily limited to your followers and friends.

Use hashtags and trending topics

The use of hashtags and joining conversations on trending topics has been shown to increase the audience of a post to all the users who are actively following popular events on social media. This can help further your interaction with new users online who may be drawn to your brand in due course.

Increase posting frequency

If you definitely want to get more attention from your friends and followers on social media, you must be active. Frequent captivating posts have been shown to draw the attention of users on social networks. Take advantage of this to get more followers and friends and engage them further to better your brand online.

Capitalize on the most shared content

In most cases, you will find that a large number of users is discussing a certain topic. This may be a result of both positive and negative occurrences in the environs. You should cautiously join such conversations and engage other users online to boost your popularity. This may include such aspects as condemning human rights violations or praising good deeds by outstanding people online.


Outlined above are some of the few ways in which you can boost your engagements on social media. As you improve your interactions, your brand will be discovered beyond its current state, leading to larger sales margins.


Derek Iwasiuk is an author and an expert in social media. He has written many articles about the need and methods of social media engagement. Be sure to follow him on twitter and to follow more of his work online for more insight.

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