How To Master The Seasonal Maintenance For Your Garage Doors

Garage doors are susceptible to a lot of damages particularly because they are exposed to all of the stringent changing weather conditions. However, if you are clever with your garage doors maintenance, you can rest assured about the continued quality function of your garage doors. If you have not yet chalked out a seasonal maintenance plan, here are a few tips to help you organise an easy one for generalised use.

Cleaning the tracks

Always start the cleaning the treads before you begin the routine cleaning on any other part of the garage doors. In fact, debris stuck in the ruts is the primary cause of cracks in the bottoms of the doors. Check for traces of rust and any accumulation of ice during the winter season. Make sure to check for the alignment of the vertical sections of the doors. If there are any adjustment issues, only rely on professionals to help you deal with the repairs.

Replacement of rollers

If your garage door rollers have sustained some damages, they need to be replaced. That is the only way to make sure of sustained door health. While it might be tempting to simply repair the chips and cracks, but with regular use, these damages will continue to weaken the functionality of your doors.

Painting and cleaning the door

While this might seem like a very basic maintenance tip, it can have a huge impact on the condition of your doors as well as the final aesthetic look of the garage. 

Keeping a track of the auto-reverse feature

Make sure to keep a tab on the functionality of your garage door openers with the seasonal changes. The auto-reverse feature in the openers is primarily designed for stopping and reversing the opening of the doors if a foreign object is detected in the path of the door. If the system is not maintained, it might fail to activate the next time it encounters such a pressure in the door path. This can even be dangerous for your family and small pets.

Replacement of the weather stripping

The weatherstripping or the strip of rubber material at the bottom of your garage door is meant to protect the garage interiors against the accumulation of dust, debris and snow. Twice a year you need to check the flange and the groove set of the door to ensure they are a proper fit. You also need to replace the strip if it is worn down or starts to show cracks that will affect the functionality of the door as it slides up and down the tracks. Reattach the loose parts of the strip if the complete replacement is not possible for you, but make sure that the repair is handled well within the time to stop further deterioration of the weather-stripping.

Make sure to only rely on experienced repair specialists when you are outsourcing the monitoring and maintenance of your garage doors. It’s important that your garage door specialists be able to monitor the entire checklist of symptoms after every seasonal change to detect any damages that the doors might have sustained over the period to address each of the issues well within the time.