Myths About Link Building That Should End In 2017

Myths create confusion in the minds of the people. Technology has advanced so much that newer ideas and tricks are being introduced in improving the online marketing service and SEO. Among various SEO tricks that are being used today, one of the most important is the link building. But, there are a number of myths that rotate around the actual fact of the link building method.

It is now being hoped by many of the experts that due to an immense rise in the online marketing demand, such myths are going to end up soon in the year, 2017.

Here are some of the myths that can come to an end this year.

# Death of the links

This is an ongoing myth that many of the SEO people have believed some time or the other that soon links are going to be dead and new technology is going to take its place. But, it has now been many years since the myth started, and the links are still the most eminent aspect of the online operations. In fact, without the links, online operations are not thinkable at the moment.

# The Nofollow link myth

Most of the SEO experts take NoFollow links as a waste of time; and hence, they do not rely on them. Many experts believe that they are not capable of generating traffic for the website. But, if you visit, you will realize that Nofollow links may not bring in huge traffic, but it still does bring in a few that can be actually useful at times.

# Directory links of no more use

In the initial days, blog comment links and directory links were an important part of the SEO technique. But, as the days passed, with the introduction of some new techniques and elements, these techniques started being tagged as old and waste. But, research has said that directory links, forum links and other similar links are capable of bringing in traffic that is of quite high quality.

# Rich anchor text

Keywords are important in any content of the website for SEO purposes. But, this does not mean that you will focus on the anchor text in order to make it keyword rich. This is actually a myth that is being followed by many. In fact, the content should be informative, written in a flow and should have keywords integrated into it only at the right place.

# Linking to Wikipedia

This is again a myth that as Wikipedia has a high amount of traffic, linking your website to Wikipedia can help you in getting more leads. Your website does not have any special attention even if it is linked to Wikipedia, if the basic rules of SEO are not followed.

So, these were some of the ongoing myths about link building that many of the SEO experts and other people have. Hopefully, it has been observed that with the passing time, these myths are slowly going away.

About The Author: Derrick Smith is a modern time SEO expert and is well aware of the new technologies and tricks. He has researched on the working style of to get an insight into the domain of link building.

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