Reaping Big From Big Data Analytics

For the remaining part of 2017, companies will have to come to terms with the new reality in town; it is not all about what you know. Instead, it is what you do with it. Various gurus have already said that 2017 is the year when Google Analytics and big data will go main stream. It is the year when analytics will not only reflect performances but also drive major businesses.

For companies that might be falling behind, this might not be the best of news. On the other hand, this is an ideal proposition for entities that have embraced analytics. You might not have taken advantage of analytics in the past years but that shouldn’t put you off. You can still join the race and secure your gains. So how best do you achieve this?

It’s all in the team

The management of a company plays a significant role in how fast or effective the implementation of policies is done. For a company that is planning to enhance the analytics platform, experts will tell you that rooting mentors in every corner of the company is necessary. How well you use analytics will permeate every layer of your company. It doesn’t really matter whether you are at the forefront gathering data or you are on the other end making critical decisions based on the analysis. Each member of the team must appreciate the essential value of analytics. Otherwise, your company might end up with volumes of insightful data that are barely used.

Change is inevitable

For any company that is planning to reap big from Google Analytics, you must be willing to embrace change. When used appropriately, analytics has the power to change any sector of the existing economy. Unless you want to be left behind, embracing the dynamics portrayed by analytics is the sure way to stay ahead of the game. It has the potential of revolutionising business trends and even the types of enterprises we run.

Think of simple and precise goals

If you don’t have the slightest clue of what you are looking for, you will never find it. What’s success to you, in terms of analytics? What do you plan to do with the information generated by analytics? Answering such questions will go a long way in tracking your progress and achieving significant milestones. At the initial stages, it is fair to keep your goals simple lest you get overwhelmed by the information flowing your way. To reap the maximum benefits, you need to avoid overly complex goals.

Create an effective system

Many companies make the suicidal mistake of not having a proper system in place to oversee their analytics efforts. Who is in charge of managing the analytics? Who is assigned to data inputting? Which avenues do you exploit when it comes to analysing data? Unless you have an effective and supportive system in place, all your analytics efforts will be washed down the drains.

Whoever holds data and analyses it to bring formidable outcome will run this century, not just 2017. Focus on what you do with what you have and your company will be on its way to amassing tremendous profits.


Evans walsh is an experienced data analyst with a passion for blogging. If he is not consuming tons of data, he is probably writing. Do you need have any questions for him? Visit for more information.

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