Typically, the party wall is the means of separating any two neighbouring buildings, divided between two businesses and residencies. Also, known as the common wall, the separation of the two systems is done in such a way that the depth of the wall is equal at both the sides. Generally, the party wall is systematic, laid at the time of construction, whereas, it can also be done literally, by two joining walls at diverse times. Then, this type of separation between separate units would be termed as multi-unit apartment residency. In most of the cases, the party wall is non-systematic but added with time for fire and sound protection.
The Ownership of the Wall
Well, typically, a party wall build between two houses has a complete range of ownership options, starting with, the wall is common-associated to both the party, only to the tenant, partly to one and same to other. In a scenario where ownership of the party wall is not defined, it will be used by both the parties, without any clearing cutting owner of the wall. For more information on this, you can seek party wall advice from any individual well-versed with the legal terms and conditions of constructing a common wall.
Type of party walls
Type A
Here, a wall is added to the structure to separate two lands associated to two different entities. A few common examples for this are the common wall dividing the terrace, border two gardens, and semi-detached houses.
Type B
This type of common wall is constructed only one side of the owner’s property, but, its primary objective is to divide two buildings, A possible example of this is separating a structure which is leasing against some other’s property. So, in simple words, this wall is added on one single side, where the wall leaning.
The laws related to party walls
Around the world, the governments have different stands on when and how the party wall should be added, there are certain laws and norms which every house or business owner has to obey before hiring a contractor for this job. And, only an individual with the legal knowledge of common walls can provide you with the best party wall advice. Also, there is a requirement of an agreement between the two parties that they are mutually ready for it. Not doing so will make you an offender of law, and may have to face to chain music afterwards. Therefore, have a talk with your neighbour about, explaining why you want to construct a party wall, and how it will be beneficial to them. Doing so will save you from any legal hassle. Plus, if you are residing in an apartment, then, you should also talk to your society representative or the developer that you are planning to add a common wall with your neighbour. Also, seek their written approval.
At the end of it all, from the above, you probably have come to know what the party wall is all about, why and how it is constructed.